Archive for alive


Heya Everyone At WordPress!

Well, it turns out i might need to get a new co-host 😦

Since Miss Taylor Might not do the show @ all! Believe me guys, she really wants to, but for the time being its completely out of the question.

Anywho, Today My dad got 4 bottles of juice from some guy who wants my dad to advertise on his talkshow on BlogTalkRadio ( Lets reason together ) Its some juice from a plant called a mangosteen from somewhere in Asia, it tasted a little bitter when i first drank it, but after a few sips it tasted pretty good. The guy who owns the company says to only have an ounce a day because they drink it in Asia for energy and health and healing, so, if you drink to much, you’ll be up ’till 3AM. My mom had four ounces! ( I can’t blame her, the stuffs really good )

Anywho, i’ll type back later! I shall keep the hope for the talk show alive! I wont give up! God Bless everyone 🙂



P.S. I think the juice is called Xanga or Xango